In this daily reality show, six couples from all walks of life embark on a life-changing adventure. Over the course of eight weeks, we’ll follow their journey as they fight for the ultimate grand prize, all under the watchful and supportive eyes of our celebrity hosts and a contractor.
The couples receive one big budget to fund the entire renovation and furnishing of the house. The couples must work together and make unanimous decisions on every detail to avoid delays. But with intense time pressure and everyone having their own opinions, that’s easier said than done. We’ll witness their struggles, their conflicts, and their successes.
Each week, there’s an elimination where the couples vote to remove one individual. The person with the most votes leaves, but their partner stays behind. After one week of immunity, that partner could also be eliminated. But what if they’re a crucial team member the group can’t afford to lose? What’s the perfect strategy?
The competition builds to a live finale, where the eliminated partners of each remaining contestant return. Three couples are left, and the viewers vote for their favorite. Who will win this ultimate battle to settle?